Call out for Youth Fest event ideas
GRANTS of up to two thousand dollars are now open to schools, local councils and community organisations teaming up with young people aged 12...
ED wait times better despite record demand
QUARTERLY data from the Victorian Agency for Health Information has revealed that patients presenting at Victorian emergency departments were seen eight minutes faster than...
Top five online scams to avoid in 2025
BIG Four bank NAB has identified five online scams to look out for in 2025 as cyber criminals resort to increasingly sophisticated methods to...
More homes welcomed for those in need
MORE than 500 vulnerable Victorian households will be helped into secure accommodation following the official start of the new $48 million Homes First program. The...
Cash offered to improve conditions in mental health facilities
APPLICATIONS are now open for the latest round of the State Government's Mental Health Capital Renewal Fund, which aims to upgrade and modernise Victoria's...
Extra industrial infrastructure for the regions
MORE industrial land is expected to become available across regional Victoria after the announcement of a ten-million-dollar State Government funding package for trunk infrastructure...
Free help for struggling mortgagees
A FREE service dedicated to helping homeowners stay in control of their finances has been expanded statewide after a successful pilot in Melbourne's western...
New bush kinders for nature-loving children
NEW funding from the State Government will help establish 150 more bush kinders around the state via one-off $6000 grants to help kindergartens buy...
Reforms reign in pokies harm
NEW reforms have been introduced into the Victorian Parliament that will give poker machine players more control over how much they spend. The Gambling Legislation...
One-off $400 payment to benefit students
THE Victorian Government's $280 million School Saving Bonus program has been rolled out with approximately 700,000 families guaranteed to receive a one-off payment of...
Crackdown on hate crime
NEW anti-vilification and social cohesion laws are set to be introduced in Victoria under the Justice Legislation Amendment (Anti-vilification and Social Cohesion) Bill 2024. The...
More protections for victims and witnesses
VICTIMS and witnesses in family violence, sexual offence and stalking cases will be better protected after the test for cross-examination is strengthened under the...
Grants available for community sports infrastructure
APPLICATIONS are now open for the Victorian Government's Regional Community Sports Infrastructure Fund (RCSIF) and the 2024-25 Local Sports Infrastructure Fund (LSIF). There are five...
Financial boost for regional hospitals
VICTORIA'S regional health services have been encouraged to apply for their share of the seventy-five-million-dollar available in funding as part of the ninth round...
L and P plate licences go digital
VICTORIAN drivers on their learners' permit and probationary licence can add their digital licences to their Service Victoria app or myVicRoads app for the...
Talent boost for regional partnerships
MORE than forty new nominees have been appointed to Victoria's nine Regional Partnerships economic development territories, bringing the total to sixty-seven people and reflecting...
Updated mental health program prompts food for thought
SEVERAL new programs have been added to the State Government's two-hundred-million-dollar Schools Mental Health Menu, the Minister for Education has announced. The Menu is designed...
Zero emission buses to be rolled out
Minister for Public and Active Transport Gabrielle Williams has announced that Victoria's diesel bus fleet will be phased out and replaced by zero emission...
Cash prizes offered for road safety film ideas
VICTORIAN filmmakers and content creators between the ages of 18 and 30 are invited to submit "attention-grabbing concepts" for future road safety campaigns aimed...
Pill testing trial a first for Australia
VICTORIA will become the first state in Australia to trial pill testing after the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Pill Testing) Bill 2024...
Push to improve safety on local roads
ALMOST eighty local governments around the state have been granted as much as two million dollars each to improve their roads over the next...
Grants for emerging female sports leaders
MORE than one hundred women working in sporting organisations have been announced as recipients of grants of up to $10,000 to access professional development...
Tougher penalties for drink-drivers
NEW drink-driving laws have been introduced in Victoria where every offender, even at the lower end of the scale, will now face a compulsory...
Availability of opioid addiction treatment method to expand
AS much as thirty Community Health Services around the state will share a total of $8.4 million in grants to increase the availability of...