About: Alistair Finlay

Editor at the Ballarat Times News Group. Once at Westlock News, The Advocate, and the Latrobe Valley Express. Oilers fan. Email: [email protected] Facebook: @alistairfinlayjournalist twitter: @alistairfinlay_ Instagram: @alistairfinlayeditor

Posts by: Alistair Finlay

June 24, 2020

Ballarat council delays budget okay

A FINAL decision on the City of Ballarat 2020/21 budget has been held over by two weeks. Originally set for a final decision on...

June 23, 2020

Different type of green power on the cards

A NEW powerplant that generates electricity from organic waste has been proposed for the greater Geelong region.

June 21, 2020

From the desk of Roland Rocchiccioli – 21 June

Our work is the rent we pay for the space we occupy on earth. It defines us as people and serves as...

June 20, 2020

Growing COVID-19 cases cause restrictions to be increased

A SPIKE in the number of COVID-19 cases has caused State authorities to dial back the number of people allowed to visit family and...

June 18, 2020

Small celebration for big city icon

IT’S been a firm fixture on the east side of Lydiard Street North since mid-1890 and become the cultural heart of the city. Now the...

June 18, 2020

Airport works taxing towards take off

UPGRADES to Ballarat’s airport are a step closer following the announcement of five-million dollars for stage one of the project by the Federal government. The...

June 18, 2020

Lights, camera, Rokewood

National TV show rolls into to town to feature great local life

ROKEWOOD will once again be seen on a national stage after...

June 18, 2020

Delacombe BP sells for $6.7 million

A NEWLY built and opened BP service station site on the corner of the Glenelg Highway and Wiltshire Lane in Delacombe has sold for...

June 18, 2020

Community has say on draft budget

THE Shire’s 2020/21 budget process has rolled on with a special council meeting held last week to hear what members of the community think...

June 17, 2020

Shire joins funding stream for peri urban growth club

BOOMING population growth in the south east of Golden Plains Shire has seen the municipality included in a select group of local government areas...

June 17, 2020

New Golden Plains Shire jobs under State scheme

TWENTY new six-month fixed term jobs have been created at Golden Plans Shire as part of a State government program. The roles are fully funded...

June 17, 2020

Northern Golden Plains Shire road widened and resealed

WORKS on a key transport link in the north-west of the Shire are complete, with the Linton-Mannibadar Road receiving significant upgrades.

June 16, 2020

Farming key to zero emission target

IF the region is going to achieve the goal of reaching zero net carbon emissions by 2050, the agricultural and horticultural sectors are going...

June 14, 2020

Golden Plains Shire democracy enters new era

Sneak peek inside the just completed council chambers at Golden Plains Civic Centre

IT wasn’t the grand opening that had been planned for...

June 14, 2020

Sports comps can return, more people in bars and restaurants as further restrictions eased

THE State government has announced a continued easing of COVID-19 restrictions and the big winners are community sport, restaurants, and bars. Over-18-year-old contact sports comps...

June 12, 2020

New lights for west Moorabool sports grounds

FOUR ovals used by Central Highlands Football League clubs at the western end of Moorabool Shire have received lighting upgrades. That means when COVID-19 restrictions...

June 12, 2020

Firm to keep local tourism on trend

A CONTRACT to create a “visitor experience plan” for the region has been handed to New South Wales based consultancy firm TRC Tourism. The move,...

June 11, 2020

Black Ice warning system to be switched on

A NEW black ice detection system and warning signs on the Midland Highway outside of Creswick on the Ballarat side should be activated before...

June 11, 2020

Stone cold Des Hudson

WHAT started out as a way of keeping staff at Phoenix P-12 Community College connected during COVID-19 lockdown has ended with City of Ballarat...

June 11, 2020

Digital billboard now not going to VCAT

THE plot has thickened on the curious case of a digital billboard planned for the south-side of the 100s block on Sturt Street, with...

June 10, 2020

Blast from the past as interim City of Ballarat CEO announced

THE search for an interim CEO to lead the City of Ballarat is over. Council has made a back to the future choice with past...

June 10, 2020

Shire’s youth impact awards open again

YOUNG people aged between twelve and eighteen are being encouraged to sign up for the second round of this year’s Mayoral Youth Program’s Community...

June 10, 2020

New FedUni VC appointed

THE search is over for the new vice-chancellor of Federation University with Professor Duncan Bentley named to the top job. Professor Bentley will take over...

June 9, 2020

New pavements pathway to safer walking

A SERIES of recently completed footpath projects across the Shire have helped make walking to school easier for students, their families and the community...