
All things abstract in Altology

September 17, 2024 BY
Altology Art Exhibition

Playing with structure: Eight visual creatives will present various mediums exploring shape, form, and tones as part of Gallery 10’s Altology exhibition. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE relationship between form, shape, and meaning will be at play as part of the latest group exhibition at Gallery 10.

Altology will present eight artists working with different mediumsm exploring altered tones and abstract arrangements of the natural environment.

Metal sculpture artist Takahiko Sugawara is one of the exhibition’s featured creatives.

Displaying about a dozen warped mild and Corten metal pieces, he said the show is about continuing to explore a key theme in his work.

“I’m very inspired by my time as a high school student playing in the marching band club,” he said.

“I played tuba and the team was about 50 people. Of course, everyone had a different personality but played the same music and made a formation. So, I cut different types of shapes to make one structure.

“That’s carried with me throughout my art making.”

The show will also feature digital media artist Gordon Monro who’ll present prismatic works both on paper and in light boxes, and painter Peter Rechenberg whose geometrical work is influenced by his career as an architect.

Landscape works informed by the waterways and falls of the Kimberley region, and the ranges of the Mallee, and Mount Warrenheip will be on display from painters Daria Betley and Terrence Doran respectively.

Photographer Ian Kemp and printmaker Amanda Western will pair their techniques together in a collaborative effort blending the latter’s linocuts with the former’s photogravure style.

Tiffany Titshall will present about a dozen unframed pastel works on paper.

“I’m making very intense blues that are hard to replicate in photos or print,” she said.

“You can only see the nuances of what it is in person. The collection is tying in people whose work has optical effects and it does have that.

“I’ve got my own content and meaning… to do with women taking control of their bodies and symbols like crescents, suns, and serpents and dismissing notions of shame.”

Altology’s title was inspired by the eponymous 1957 jazz album by Phil Woods and Gene Quill.

The exhibition will launch this Wednesday 18 September at 5pm and will be on show until Saturday 2 November.

Gallery 10 is located at 10 Bridge Mall and is open Thursdays to Saturdays from 11am to 5pm.