
An afternoon of music and old friends

September 2, 2024 BY

In harmony: Helen Ayres, Tim Nankervis and Anna Goldsworthy are The Seraphim Trio and will be playing at Anglican Cathedral's Synod Hall next month. Photo: FILE

THE sounds of the Seraphim Trio are returning to the stage in Ballarat.

Helen Ayres, Tim Nankervis and Anna Goldsworthy will be performing at the Anglican Cathedral Synod Hall, playing works of Saint-Saëns, Beethoven and Lili Boulanger.

“It will be French and German, and the centrepiece of the program will be a new trio for us which is the Saint-Saëns piano trio number two,” said Nankervis.

“It’s an amazing work that is brand new to us, but we really love it.”

Nankervis said this new addition will be something different for listeners.

“I think that they will love the sound world that Saint-Saëns brings to this piano trio,” he said.

“It will be a work that I suspect most of them at least wouldn’t have heard before.”

The Seraphim Trio have been performing in Ballarat for several years and Nankervis said audience members always show the group great support.

“We’ve built up a really beautiful audience there that we really value,” he said.

“They’ve been coming to our concerts for over a decade now and so they’ve become old friends to us.

“It’s a delight to catch up with them after a concert.”

The performance will be on Sunday 8 September from 2pm. To book a ticket visit the Seraphim Trio website.