
Irish crew to mark Bloomsday

June 11, 2024 BY

The joy of Joyce: The Ballarat and District Irish Association's Bloomsday event, like last year's debut, will take place at the Munster Arms Hotel. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

AN Irish tradition in place for nearly a century will soon be acknowledged locally for the second in a year in a row.

Sunday 16 June will for many mark Bloomsday, a date celebrating the work of Irish writer James Joyce and set on the day his seminal exploration of Dublin life, Ulysses, takes place.

Members of the Ballarat and District Irish Association will acknowledge the occasion with an event at 12.30pm at the Munster Arms Hotel, which group president Helen Bath said should serve as a fun outing.

“It’s a quintessentially Irish opportunity to get together, have some lovely food and a chat,” she said. “It’s a chance to have a lovely country roast at an historic Ballarat Irish pub.

“For last year’s event, our vice-president Mary Darcy got these lovely quotes from Ulysses and cut them up into bits of paper and everyone got a quote.

“In Melbourne, Bloomsday’s very much celebrated and everything they do gets booked out every year. We’re just getting started.”

Entertainers inhabiting iconic characters from Ulysses will play out key moments from the book, while the night will also be livened with Irish music from local performers.

A raffle will also take place.

Ms Bath said the event is one of many annual initiatives aimed at growing the association.

“It’s part of us getting bigger and being able to put on more things for the community,” she said. “We hope it’ll grow much like our St Brigid’s Festival each year.”

The event is free, with food and drinks at participants’ own expense.

To RSVP, call Ms Bath on 0407 770 209 or email [email protected].