Mentoring program for meaningful change

Participants in the WAM program are matched with mentors with the aim of helping women stay out of the criminal justice system.
WOMEN and Mentoring, also known as WAM, offers a unique and early intervention support to women and non-binary people – all women – who have justice system involvement, who may have been charged with a criminal offence or are at risk of offending.
With the support of a trained volunteer mentor, WAM empowers women to create positive change in their lives through the mentoring relationship which is built on the foundations of respect, belonging and social justice.
WAM have been supporting women in Melbourne since 2009, starting in Collingwood and over time expanded across greater Melbourne.
With recent philanthropic funding from the Percy Baxter Charitable Fund, WAM are excited to announce that we are now expanding to Ballarat to support the local community.
Women can self-refer to WAM or can be referred through community agencies such as Victoria Legal Aid, community legal centres, Court Services, The Department of Corrections and many other support services in the health and justice sector.
Mentoring matches usually catch up weekly for a couple of hours per meeting.
Matches can go from six months up to two years depending on the woman’s individual support needs, with the average match lasting approximately twelve months.
Mentors support women in a variety of ways including navigating local services, fostering life skills, going for a walk and a coffee, and providing practical assistance to improve her life outcomes.
WAM keeps women out of prison. In most cases, participants in the WAM program have avoided a custodial sentence.
Recidivism rates among participants are low at 13 per cent, and almost all participants successfully engage with services to address their complex needs, develop and implement protective behaviours and work progressively towards achieving their goals.
Women in the initial stages of contact with the criminal justice system are often very isolated, have a lack of knowledge of the criminal justice system and lack social support to navigate the system.
These women are at risk of escalating their contact with the criminal justice system simply due to lack of understanding or support about how to build their life away from the justice system.
WAM are putting a call out for dedicated women and non-binary people who are passionate about social justice, equity and empowerment to join our mentor WAMily.
Volunteer mentors know their local area and are willing to meet up regularly, are empathetic, non-judgmental, and fantastic listeners.
All mentors receive training, ongoing supervision and support, and become part of a network of like-minded people.
Volunteering promotes a whole range of health benefits, so fill your own cup in 2023 by making a difference in someone’s life and your community.
WAM encourages applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and women with all abilities.
To find out more about the recruitment process, email [email protected] or visit