New service on StandBy to help

June 30, 2022 BY

StandBy Support After Suicide has partnered with Wellways to deliver bereavement services in Western Victoria.

STANDBY Support After Suicide is a community-based program dedicated to supporting people and communities across Australia bereaved or impacted by suicide.

Our name reflects the core purpose – the provision of support for suicide bereavement represented by the capital S and B in StandBy.

StandBy was established on the Sunshine Coast in 2002 and has now reached a national coverage, supporting Australians in every state and territory.

In Western Victoria StandBy has partnered with Wellways to deliver the program.

StandBy supports individuals, families and friends, along with witnesses, first responders and service providers, community groups, workplaces, in fact anyone who has been impacted by suicide.

The program is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and provides free face-to-face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each individual.

StandBy offers coordinated evidence-based support and resources – including connections to local services and groups – that is individualised for each person’s unique circumstances.

The support is continued for up to two years to ensure those that engage with StandBy are not alone and receive ongoing support.

StandBy builds community preparedness and resilience through extensive training to community and professional groups to ensure effectiveness and that duplicated effort is avoided.

The program is ideally placed to offer a settings-based approach, providing group support after a suicide for schools, workplaces and community groups.

We have a workshops that we offer including but not limited to What do I say? What do I do?, Pathways to Care, and Supporting Children and Young People in Grief.

StandBy are also in the process of developing a Postvention Response Protocol for the Geelong and Surf Coast region.

This ensures that following a death by suicide everyone that has been bereaved or impacted receives the support they need.

All our workshops, and support services are free of charge.

For further information on how StandBy Support after Suicide can help you, a friend, workplace or community please reach out to the Western Victoria team on 1300 727 247 or email [email protected].

StandBy is an initiative funded by the Commonwealth Government.