Old time rockers roll into town

May 19, 2021 BY

Lucky Star is set to play in Ballarat on 30 May.

TWO stalwarts of the Australian music scene, Lucky Star and Rodeny Vincent, are set to play a one-off show only at the Victoria Bowling Club.

A regular on television shows such as Bandstand and Six O’Clock Rock, Lucky Star has also made regular appearances on Mavis Bramston, Revue 60-61, In Melbourne Tonight, Sing Sing Sing, plus many other entertainment shows.

In 1962 Lucky recorded a hit record I’ve Been Everywhere, which to date still remains one of Australia’s all-time favourites and went platinum.

A year later he was performing in the United States on the Nevada circuit at The Flamingo in Las Vegas, The Mapes in Reno and Harvey’s in Lake Tahoe.

Lucky was also the first Australian performer to entertain the troops in Vietnam; in fact paying his own way there and making five subsequent trips into the war zone.

2002 and 2003 saw him touring with Long Way To The Top. The show featured the cream of Australia’s entertainers from the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s.

Meanwhile, Rodney Vincent is your complete entertainer.

His one-man show is a feast of entertainment that caters for anyone and everyone who enjoys a good time with a blend of country, comedy, old time favourites, rock and roll and storytelling that cannot help but make people laugh.

His journey has taken him from his first paying gig in an old-time dance band at his local hall to the Channel 9 singers on In Melbourne Tonight.

Awards are not high on Rodney’s agenda as he always says, “You are only as good as your last performance” but he does admit to being an “applause junkie.”

There says there’s nothing like the high you get when you do a great show and hearing the applause, it’s a good feeling to make people happy.