Singing the songs of our lives

August 21, 2024 BY
Ballarat Choral Concert

Spanning the ages: The century-old Ballarat Choral Society and recently formed Ballarat Voices group provide a captivating combination when they come together to perform. Photo: SUPPLIED

MULTIPLE generations of singers from the Ballarat Choral Society and youth choir Ballarat Voices will come together to present an eclectic concert, Songs of Our Lives, on Sunday week at the Ballarat Welcome Centre.

This will be the second concert the groups have performed together after a successful show last year.

Ballarat Voices musical director Lyndell Allen said the theme focuses on “different aspects of life.”

“There’s songs from childhood, there’s songs from different celebrations within life and there’s also different genres included,” she said.

“There’s music from the theatre, we’ve got some opera and we’ve also got folk songs because that’s something, particularly for the older ones, that everyone sang as kids in school. It’s a very flexible topic.”

Ms Allen said if you want to immerse yourself in the choral possibilities of Ballarat, this is a great opportunity.

“It shows the very beginnings of singing in choirs and it shows what’s able to be continued right throughout life,” Ms Allen said.

“Being part of hearing other people sing, that’s very powerful for your well being. When things can be a little bit dark and a bit hard to keep going, then coming out for a jolly good sing or hearing a good concert is a really positive experience.”

Ballarat Choral Society and Ballarat Voices will be accompanied by piano, cello and flute on Sunday 25 August from 2.30pm.

Visit Trybooking for tickets.