Tour champ rides towards limited screen time

Hudson Andrews and Eric Crisostomo are set to take part in the GeelongPort Family Ride at the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race.
TOUR de France champion Cadel Evans is challenging everyone to go screen-free for an hour a day and reap the health benefits, and GeelongPort has jumped on board.
GeelongPort is sponsoring this year’s Family Ride at the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race, with the recreational ride designed to give everyone a chance to travel the same finishing straight as some of the world’s best pro cyclists.
Evans said this year’s GeelongPort Family Ride, to be held on January 26, was a way families could put down their phones and enjoy some time together.
“Let’s make a habit of putting our devices away and giving our attention to our children,” he said.
“Modern devices are engineered to distract us, to gain our attention. But in life, who deserves our attention more than our children?
“I always felt the first thing of being a good parent is setting the right examples, whether we acknowledge it or not, we are our young children’s most influential role models.
“Whether is the way we use devices, the way we treat others, or the lifestyle we live. Our small children are ‘sponges’, absorbing everything they see hear and taste.
“In our household, we have a few places where phones and devices are not allowed: at the dining table, on the walk/ride to and from school.
“They seem like small periods of time, but my boys certainly appreciate it. Dad likes it as well!”
Evans said some things were much easier to learn as a child, and cycling was one example.
“Apart from the obvious health benefits, cycling for transport allows our children to gain their independence sooner and, I believe it is also helpful in becoming a more responsible safer road user and driver,” he said.
GeelongPort chief executive officer Brett Winter said his organisation was fully behind the active ethos of the Family Ride.
“Whether you make the Family Ride part of family time each year or incorporate being on your bikes together more often, that is what we want,” he said.
Being on wheels is fun – balance bikes, training wheels or other kid-friendly modes of transport, this event is for all ages and abilities.
“Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors as a family and exercise. Both children and adults benefit enormously from physical activity and, here in the Geelong region, we have the most beautiful surrounds to get active in,” he said.
“Bike riding is a fantastic way to stay fit and it’s great to create healthy habits such as getting out on a bike regularly from a young age.”
Closed to traffic, the flat, safe Family Ride circuit provides the perfect opportunity for the next generation of cycling enthusiasts to test their two-wheel prowess, before celebrating at the Steampacket Gardens event village.
xSome of the pro riders will also be on the side of the course providing support and encouragement and the first 500 children registered get a free GeelongPort Family Ride T-shirt.
While the ride starts at 6pm, organisers suggest families should arrive from 5pm onwards to receive their T-shirts and to be ready to go.
For more information on the GeelongPort Family Ride at Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race head to