A stitch so fine captures a moment in time

March 4, 2020 BY

File work: Embroidery is one of the fine crafts on display at Ballarat Branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild of Victoria exhibition this long-weekend. Photo: SUPPLIED

MEMBERS of the Ballarat Branch of the Embroiderers’ Guild, Victoria, will be hosting an embroidery and quilting exhibition, Needles, Knots and Threads, at St Patrick’s Hall, Dawson Street South, this weekend.

One of the great joys of covering the Melbourne Royal Show for television news was the opportunity to spend time filming what was erroneously labelled, ‘The Arts and Crafts Exhibition’.

The practitioners, and they are mostly women, of traditional and modern techniques in surface stitchery, smocking, beading, counted thread, blackwork, lace making, crewel, patchwork and quilting, are talented artisans.

Their skills should not be summarily dismissed, or underestimated. Along with knitting and cake decorating, both of which are artisan skills, they are special talents which require dedication and boundless patience in their application.

My late mother, Beria, made patchwork quilts, and crocheted rugs and the most exquisite fine cotton lace. She had a perfectionist’s eye for colour and pattern, and the patience of Job. She left me a trove of crocheted pieces of varying shapes, patterns and sizes.

After consideration, the collection has been gifted in her name to New Norcia’s Benedictine Monastery, Western Australia. The large rose tablecloth will now serve as an altar cloth in the Abbey Church of the Holy Trinity.

The Ballarat exhibition competition challenge, To Knot or Not, has been designed to test members’ skills, using a technique of their choice, to interpret a design based on a panel in the ceiling of St Patrick’s Hall.

Articles made by members will be for sale, while the display will showcase, promote, and encourage the art of embroidery in its numerous styles.

A major raffle will be held over the course of the exhibition with smaller raffles drawn daily. Refreshments will be provided by Webbcona Country Womens Association.

Needles, Knots and Threads runs from 10am-4.30pm Saturday and Sunday, 10am-4pm Monday, 7 to 9, March. St Patricks Hall, Dawson Street South, Ballarat. Adults $7, under 16 free.