
Awards for young artistic talent

July 1, 2023 BY

Excellence: Phoenix received the major Y Ballarat Youth Art Exhibition award for their lino print, Clancy. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

THE Y Ballarat’s annual Youth Art Exhibition is now open to the public at Barkly Square, with the work of creatives between the ages of twelve and twenty-five displayed.

Organiser and engage services youth officer Lily Chancey said more than 80 pieces are part of the showcase, including two award-winning entries.

Ava Jones was highly commended for a simple but striking still-life depiction of some roses in a vase, while Phoenix received the major artistic excellence award for their print of a rat with a daisy on its head called Clancy.

“We had some amazing feedback this year,” Ms Chancey said. “There was a lot of talk about Phoenix’s piece as we hadn’t had many prints in the show this year.

“We had a large number of purchases this year. Five people actually asked to purchase Phoenix’s print.

“There’s also a big piece of the Ballarat skyline by night which has been popular, and received lots of feedback, alongside a painting of a lovely calf on a blue background.”

An opening event was held last Friday evening, with artists’ families, friends, and community members attending to celebrate their achievements.

“It was great watching everyone mingle and celebrate,” Ms Chancey said. “I am really happy with the outcome.

“Considering the opportunities that the Y has given me as a young person, who is fairly green in their career as a youth worker, I’m glad I’ve been able to pay that forward, and be a part of creating opportunities for others.”

The Youth Art Exhibition is on until Tuesday, 18 July. Visitors to the exhibition can leave a people’s choice vote.