Bags packed with Christmas joy

December 18, 2021 BY

Special gifts: 14-year-old Kate Oliver volunteered as part of the initiative. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE Y Ballarat’s Barkly Square office was buzzing with activity last Friday as volunteers packed approximately two hundred Christmas bundles to deliver to underprivileged youth.

The Bags of Joy initiative is designed to support and brighten the festive season for disadvantaged young people, and ensures they have some special gifts to open on December 25.

The Y received donations from community members and local businesses to fill the bags which are specifically aimed at supporting teenagers and young adults in 2021. The 12 to 21 age group is sometimes forgotten by those who give presents, especially toys, to seasonal appeals.

The Y Ballarat’s youth and community impact manager Larelle Kuczer said lots of young people have been keen to support the project, and in turn, their less fortunate peers across the city, inspired by Bags of Joy founder Jessy Malham.

“Jessy continues to be so committed and involved in the initiative and her enthusiasm rubs off on others,” Ms Kuczer said.

“We’re also thrilled to see the Bags of Joy idea being taken up by young people outside Ballarat, who are keen to support other young people in their communities who may miss out.”

The demand for Bags of Joy grows annually. In 2021, more than 180 bundles have been requested by schools, welfare agencies, and organisations who all have young people in need of support within their communities.

The Bags of Joy initiative began in 2015, initially with shoeboxes full of special presents and surprises that would put a smile on the faces of children and young people on Christmas Day.