Bill check program about more than money

July 24, 2022 BY

Labor candidate for Ripon, Martha Haylett. Photo: FILE



Dear Editor,

RECENTLY I’ve been making calls to locals in Smythesdale, Scarsdale, and Linton to chat about what matters to them most.

Many people have told me how they are struggling with their energy bills, on top of juggling the cost of petrol, groceries, and other household bills.

I talked to them about how the Andrews Labor Government is wanting to save them and other local families money by making their power bill a bit fairer.

From 1 July, every Victorian household is now eligible for a once-off $250 Power Saving Bonus payment for using the Victorian Energy Compare website.

It is designed to help you get the best deal on your electricity bill and even if you are already on the best plan, you’ll still get a $250 payment.

Many households who use the website save around $330 off their power bill. Combined with the Power Saving Bonus, that’s nearly $600 back in your pocket!

You can visit or call 1800 000 832 to get your free $250 payment today. All you need is your electricity bill to apply.

The Power Saving Bonus, plus everything else the Andrews Labor Government is doing to help families out, like making kinder free for three and four year olds from next year, will help locals focus on the stuff that really matters, like taking the kids or grandkids to the movies on the weekend, or going out for dinner.


Martha Haylett

Labor candidate for Ripon