Blood donors urgently sought following New Year cancellations

The urgent need for more donations comes despite a record 1.66 million donations being given in 2024. Photo: LIFEBLOOD
THE Australian Red Cross and Lifeblood have Lifeblood has issued an urgent call for blood donors this week after a record number of planned blood donations were cancelled last week, which has putt pressure on blood supplies.
More than 6,500 people cancelled their donation appointments last week – the highest number of New Year week cancellations in three years.
Another 14,000 people either rescheduled or did not attend their appointment.
The donation drop-off at one of the most critical times of year means an extra 12,000 people are now urgently needed to book a donation this week to replenish low blood stocks.
The figure includes 5,600 donors in Victoria and 3,100 donors in NSW.
Lifeblood executive director of donor experience Cath Stone urged people to book a donation.
“We know the festive season is a busy time of year, and everyone looks forward to a well-earned break, but the need for blood has not stopped,” she said.
“Every day, we are issuing more than 9,500 blood and plasma transfusions and medications to Australian hospitals.
“There are still cancer patients, road trauma victims, new mums and newborn babies, and people with immune deficiencies that are relying on the generosity of blood donors.
“Now that the holiday season has come to an end and people are returning to their normal routines, we’re hoping more people will find an hour in their schedule to save lives.”
The urgent need for more donations comes despite a record 1.66 million donations being given in 2024, an increase of almost 30,000 donations compared to 2023.
Ms Stone said.demand for blood and plasma continued to increase at record levels.
“More donations are needed than ever before, largely due to a growing and aging population.
“To keep up with that demand, we need an extra 100,000 people to find their reason to make a blood donation in 2025.
“It could be because someone you know has cancer or because you need a new year’s resolution. It could be because it makes you feel good, or it might even be because of the party pies.
“For every reason to become a donor, there’s an even bigger reason: life. So please book your donation today.”
To see a real-time view of Australia’s blood levels, head to
To book a donation, phone 13 14 95, head to or download the Donate Blood App.