Boost to CresFest’s big African extravaganza

January 24, 2025 BY
CresFest African Extravaganza Funding

Let the music play: CresFest co-director Stella Savy (back, second from right) and the Member for Ballarat Catherine King (back, right) with performers Billy, Francesca, Bonnie, and Kelly. Photo: SUPPLIED

CRESWICK’S folk and roots music and dance festival, CresFest, has received funding from the Federal Government’s Festivals Australia grants initiative.

The fest will deliver The Rhythms of Africa – An Extravaganza as part of its 2025 program, and has been allocated $17,600 to help make the drumming and dancing takeover of the town happen.

To be performed on the Saturday of the three-day event on 4 to 6 April, The Rhythms of Africa is being led by CresFest co-director and musician Stella Savy and master drummer Kofi Kunkpe.

Creswick school children will learn to drum in term one of the year before 100 of them play with groups including Creswick Drum Circle at the festival.

“This performance has been many years coming and I’m so excited that this funding will make it a reality, so the children of Creswick can have a tailored musical experience,” said Savy.

“I can’t wait to start working with the kids on their singing and drumming. Creswick will be alive with the sound of Africa on 5 April.”

Festivals Australia aims to boost diverse, engaging and innovative artistic experiences in regional and remote communities.

“CresFest brings the community together, and this year that will also include local primary school students,” said Member for Ballarat Catherine King.

“CresFest’s amazing blend of local, national and international acts has led it to achieve a stellar reputation in its short history and this year’s program shouldn’t be missed.

“There’s something magical about the way the music and performances completely take over the streets of Creswick during the festival creating a truly immersive experience for audiences and locals.”