Bottle partnership to benefit another local group

September 23, 2024 BY
local organization bottle partnership

Giving back: BADAC CEO Karen Heap said the water bottle partnership program has benefited the organisation. Photo: FILE

APPLICATIONS are open to organisations interested in becoming the beneficiary of Central Highlands Water’s bottle partnership program.

Through the sale of reusable stainless steel water bottles, all proceeds will go towards Central Highlands Water’s bottle partner.

The program is a two-year commitment which aims to raise money for local organisations and minimise single-use water bottle purchases.

The current partner is Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative (BADAC) who have benefited from the funds raised over the last two years.

“CHW’s generous donation contributed to camps for our Aboriginal youth, which enabled them to connect with each other, feel proud and strong in culture, meet Aboriginal role models and Elders, and have a great time,” said BADAC CEO Karen Heap.

“Many of our young people wouldn’t normally get the chance to enjoy these camps and activities.”

The main fundraising period for the program is the Ballarat Begonia Festival.

Not-for-profit organisations and charities in the region are encouraged to apply for the partnership.

Applications are open until Monday 30 September on the Central Highlands Water website.