
Bowelscan backs FECRI

May 20, 2022 BY

Slide in: FECRI bowl cancer researcher Dr Jason Kelly and head Professor George Kannourakis at the institute’s lab last week. Photo: SUPPLIED

FURTHER community backing has come the way of the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute, with the Rotary Bowelscan Committee pledging thousands more dollars more in support.

In 2021 the service club’s bowel cancer testing group committed $20,000 to FECRI each year for three years, but last week they upped the donation.

This year and next, Rotary Bowelscan will now donate $50,000 per annum, with the money going towards bowel cancer research being led by Dr Jason Kelly.

“The Rotary Bowelscan Committee are committed to see Dr Jason Kelly continue with his research project into bowel cancer and providing a donation to the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute is a practical way we can support this important work and ensure bowel cancer research continues,” said Max Fry from the Rotary Bowelscan Committee.

“We are looking forward to presenting Professor George Kannourakis and Dr Jason Kelly with the donation.”

Rotary Bowelscan raises money by selling home testing kits for $22 aimed at detecting the form of cancer early.

Currently the Federal Government provides free testing kits to people aged between 50 and 70, but a statement from a FECRI spokesperson said many people fall outside that group.

“We encourage all residents who do not receive the Federal Government’s kit to test regularly as Australia has one of the highest incident rates of bowel cancer in the world,” the statement said.

“For the cost of $22 it could save your life.”

While the Rotary Bowelscan kits have been made available in a number of ways in the past, currently they are only accessible via the group’s website at rotarybowelscan.com.au or by post from PO Box 792, Belmont, 3216.