Breaking boundaries with FEAR

February 20, 2022 BY

Something for everyone: A group of artists are reaching out to other creatives to offer their space in a collaborative and supportive setting. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

AN artists’ collective in Bridge Mall is inviting creatives to run workshops and display their art for sale.

Founded last year by four local artists, Femxle Experience Art Rebellion pulls triple duty as a display gallery, studio, and retail space.

One of the co-founders, Toni Louise, said the team aims to centralise the works of Ballarat’s many creatives, and to offer a safe and encouraging environment for them to express themselves.

“There’s a bit of a gap in the city with artist-run spaces so we kind of wanted to fill that,” she said.

Initially conceived as a gallery, the space quickly evolved to include a range of other services due to the variety of different interests among the founders.

FEAR then introduced their workshop outreach in an effort to cast as wide a net as possible.

“We all have a skill, but so does everyone else,” Louise said. “So, while we may not have the technical skill to run a certain workshop, someone else does.”

Workshop mentoring will also be run by co-founder Holly Would at an entry cost of $5 per session.

“It’s an opportunity to give these emerging artists the ability to learn these skills without having to go to university or paying heaps of money,” Louise said.

The expressions of interest have been overwhelming for the team.

“We’re struggling to keep up with emails which is great,” Louise said. “We’ve got some really unique shops happening soon.”

The space will facilitate a range of different works including macrame wall hangings, jewellery making and doll restorations as well as photography, and watercolour.

While team considers themselves a feminist collective, Louise said want to maintain a wide and inclusive appeal for both their customers and collaborators.

“We don’t just want one kind of artwork in here. We want everyone to be involved. We don’t want to exclude anyone,” she said.

FEAR can be found at 57 Bridge Mall.
