Business Day out back in session

June 3, 2021 BY

Back in the room: Hayley Coates, chair of the Commerce Ballarat board, welcomed the return of an in-person Business Day Out event. Photo: ALISTAIR FINLAY

AFTER last year’s Business Day Out was modified for a COVID challenged 2020, the Commerce Ballarat run networking and upskilling event returned to a face-to-face format last week.

Over 100 attendees from across the region’s business landscape, and further afield, were treated to a range of speakers at the RACV Goldfields Creswick resort.

Commerce Ballarat board chair Hayley Coates said returning to an in-person event was important.

“It’s amazing to be face-to-face with people and just have that networking opportunity,” she said. “You just can’t get that from a digital context.

“I think everyone is feeling the same way and grateful to be face-to-face and to come out and have these networking opportunities, as well as to see live speakers.”

With a varied presenter list for the event, Ms Coates said that regardless of industry, there was something everyone could take away from the day.

“I’m a business owner, like many other people here, so the same things apply whether you’re a professional services firm, a retail store or a hospitality outlet,” she said.

“Business is still business, and you still have to deal with profits, look at marketing, and focus on the economy. So all of the issues that were discussed today are all totally relevant to any type of business.

“I always enjoy an economic update. I Like to see numbers and stats and things, so I definitely did enjoy Monica [Brown] at the end discussing her experience and reminding us all of the positives we can look at.”

Peter Murphy is a director at property consultancy firm Preston Rowe Paterson and he and several colleagues attended Business Day Out.

He agreed the event was highly beneficial for himself, and his team.

“The speakers always bring new ideas,” he said. “We’ve come to a few of the Business Day Outs, they’re fantastic.

“Sometimes you’ve got to step out of your business to look back into your business and to see whether what you’re doing is working.

“Having people come and bring new ideas is certainly worth the investment of time.”