
Steps support families this Christmas

November 10, 2021 BY

Fit fundraising: Kellie Sternberg and Rachel Kulavkovski walk towards their daily 10,000 steps. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

ARE you hitting ten thousand steps a day, and think you could maintain that for a month?

To generate funds for Cafs Christmas Appeal, a team of local walkers are striving to collectively achieve 10 million steps over the next few weeks, and local resident Rachel Kulavkovski is leading the march.

“We need a team of 35 people to do 10,000 steps a day every day in November,” she said.

“I am on a mission to find some keen locals who want to make a personal challenge to improve their fitness and to raise money to support local families in need this Christmas.

“The health benefits for those participating alone are worth celebrating, but that’s not all. If every participant manages to raise $100 each, we will raise $3500 to support local families this Christmas, so get your walking shoes on.”

Ms Kulavkovski was inspired to launch the challenge as a member of a Ballarat women’s networking group on Facebook.

“There are always quite a few posts from women in need of help, and people recommend Cafs, so I thought we could come together as a community, fundraise for them, and get fit for ourselves,” she said.

Cafs is already set to support 600 children and families with the funds from their appeal this year, and they expect that number to grow 40 per cent by Christmas.

To register, or sponsor walkers, visit bit.ly/3CD4pjC. Cafs continue to accept direct online donations, and gift cards, to give children and families plenty of choice.

They encourage community members to send a letter or well wishes to those they’re supporting within their donation. The appeal runs until Friday, 10 December.