
Centre promotes love of learning

February 28, 2024 BY

Bringing people together: The Haddon Community Learning Centre has a range of pre-accredited training courses on offer. Photo: FILE

FOSTERING a love of learning and building connections are at the heart of Haddon Community Learning Centre, and the organisation has recently released its course guide for the new year.

The guide sets out what will be offered to the community in the coming months and the courses are designed to help people discover future career opportunities.

“We do pre-accredited training which is training that is done before TAFE or university to get people skilled in learning how to learn again,” said centre manager Joan Coker.

“It’s about doing it gently, so people can decide if it’s what they want to do.”

Some of the highlights of the course guide include Etsy for beginners and developing your online presence courses, both of which are designed to help mums who may like to start a business.

“We are looking at doing a lot of training courses for mums because they may be at home but want to start their own business,” said Ms Coker.

“We are getting help for them about starting an online shop.”

Ms Coker is also planning to organise a session about how to do household maintenance, such as fixing taps and hanging pictures.

She is looking for anyone who may be able to assist in running the session.

The benefits to the courses extend beyond learning, with many participants also enjoying the social aspect.

“It’s a social thing for a lot of people because I know the sewing girls, they just love to come for the social aspect,” said Ms Coker.

“The quilters also do a lot of charity quilts so it’s a way to give back to the community.”

To book in for a course, visit the Haddon Community Learning Centre website.