Changes to airport access
THE Liberator Drive extension at Ballarat Airport is now open to traffic at the southern end of the runway following the discontinuance of a section of Airport Road.
Airport users can access Liberator Drive from Link Road at the east or Airport Road to the west.
Traffic management measures will be place along the new stretch of road until March when all associated works are completed.
Once the extension upgrade is completed, Liberator Drive will improve access between Ballarat and the Ballarat Airport, via the Ballarat West Employment Zone.
“The Liberator Drive extension is a vital step in bringing the Ballarat Airport Runway extension online and will ultimately unlock opportunities for existing businesses and attract new aviation businesses to our airport,” said City of Ballarat mayor Cr Tracey Hargreaves.
“The extension of the runway is the first stage upgrade which will ultimately allow for larger commercial freight aircraft, large firefighting and emergency services aircraft and increase opportunities to attract new aviation businesses to the airport.”
The Ballarat Airport runway extension will extend its length from 1300 to 1800 metres and is set to be completed in late March.
The works are being funded with $3.8 million from the Federal Government and the City of Ballarat.
The Liberator Drive extension is funded by Development Victoria and constructed by Winslow Constructors.