
Raffle to buy bike club a bus

September 3, 2021 BY

Keepin’ it real: Club MUD, Mountain bikes Under Demolition, have been riding down, and driving back up Black Hill for decades. Photos: SUPPLIED

WHEN mountain biking group Club MUD runs events at Black Hill Reserve, they have shuttle buses available to get riders and their equipment back to the top of the course.

But treasurer Janelle Matthews said the Club’s two current buses are “tired,” and that’s why they’re running a raffle to generate funds to purchase at least one brand new 14-seater vehicle.

“We run regular shuttle days when we can, and we would like to potentially do things further afield for our club members elsewhere, but because our buses are old, we’re not currently taking them outside Ballarat,” she said.

“We’re looking at a Toyota HiAce, and if the raffle goes really well, we might look at getting two new buses.”

Prizes have been donated by businesses and club members. First prize is a five-bike tilting rack from Single Trail valued at $1689.

Club MUD offer social and competitive spaces for young and old mountain bikers.

“That will be an amazing prize for club members, or brilliant for anyone in the community that gets out and about with their bikes,” Ms Matthews said.

Valued at $600, second prize is a three-hour mountain bike photoshoot with Daniel Brooks Photography, and third prize is a series entry to Club MUD’s 2022 King of Ballarat. There are also 17 more prizes to win in the raffle.

Club MUD, or Mountain bikes Under Demolition, has been operating for 30 years with the motto of “keepin’ it small, keepin’ it real,” offering racing experiences and social opportunities for adults and children.

On Wednesday evenings during daylight savings, the Club runs free shuttle events for Aus Cycling members.

Visit bit.ly/2WxZalr to buy raffle tickets.