Community Alliance officially launches

Team up: Representatives from a range of Ballarat organisations are joining forces for the Ballarat Community Alliance. Photo: SUPPLIED
AN association of community organisations advocating for a better city have officially launched the Ballarat Community Alliance.
The organisation has been formed over the past month with the aim of ensuring the focus is on a more progressive and inclusive agenda for the upcoming local election.
Co-founder of the Ballarat Community Alliance and of Ballarat Allies Ange Elson said when we come together as a community, we achieve great things
“We’re inventive and compassionate and we deserve a council that is as visionary and committed to the greater good as its citizens,” she said.
Ballarat’s Community Alliance strives to build a progressive city by acting as a meeting point for people and organisations to co-create shared vision, principles and priorities for the next council and a place to maximise community engagement.
Co-founder of the Ballarat Community Alliance Tony Goodfellow said he started out the group because there were so many organisations within Ballarat that weren’t communicating.
“It was an opportunity to boost their voice and find common ground,” he said.
“There’s been a lot of good will so far with acclaimed Ballarat artist Travis Price doing the logo, we’ve had people from environment, youth, gambling reform, climate, transport, allies, LGBTIQ, First Nations people and other social groups coming together and talking about how we can make our voice heard this council election.
“I’m unapologetic in wanting a progressive council and I believe that after the election we will finally have a council that is forward looking.”
Progression for the Ballarat Community Alliance is prioritised by genuine reconciliation, a greener city, building on historical assets, revive the local community, plan better and enhance connections.
The official launch of the association was joined by a video featuring community members including Sissy Austin, Bobby Mehta, Matt Briody, Hazel Lanyon, Sally Missing, John Weber, Katja Simão, Neil Huybregts and Lucy Bracey.