Comp champions importance of water
This year’s theme is ‘water for all, inspiring action’ and it looks at the importance of clean water.
Posters must be A3 or A4 in size and any medium from paper to digital can be used as well as any mediums such as paint, textas, crayons, coloured pencils, collage materials, original photographs and digital graphics.
Posters will be judged on how they convey relevant issues, how attractive they look, the art materials used and innovative aspects.
The winners of each age category will receive a $100 gift card.
Jeff Haydon, managing director of Central Highlands Water, said the competition builds awareness around the importance of water.
“The National Water Week poster competition provides a positive opportunity to engage our younger generation around the importance of our most precious resource in water,” he said.
“We are excited to see the student’s imagination and creativity designed onto posters, to help educate on why we need to use water wisely.
“Together, we aim to spark conversations around the importance of having access to clean drinking water and how it is essential for life.”
Entries are open until Friday 6 September and can be made on the Central Highlands Water website.