
Creative city shines, mostly – City of Ballarat council meeting briefs

November 2, 2023 BY

Looking back: Last financial year’s Creative City Report was endorsed by councillors at last week’s council meeting. Photo: FILE

LAST year’s creative city financial report, which covers the progress that’s been made towards the City of Ballarat’s 2019 Creative City Strategy, was endorsed by all councillors at least week’s regular council meeting.

The strategy set seven targets for the municipality to reach by 2030 and seeks to deliver benefits to the creative sector.

Targets like increasing community participation, employing artists, tripling attendance at events, and creating more cultural tourism are performing well according to the document.

However, the target of creating 3000 jobs in the creative industry is currently on a downward trend.

Cr Belinda Coates said it was important to celebrate the creative aspects of Ballarat.

“When we’re a creative city that has so many benefits and so many aspects that are making the city more vibrant and enjoyable,” she said.

“I think what the creative strategy has done is really broadened our idea of what being creative actually is, it’s not just being a visual artist or a painter.”


Annual report noted

Also, and as part of reporting season, councillors noted last financial year’s annual report.

The report is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2020 and details the achievements, challenges, and activities of the municipality between July 2022 and June 2023.

Key numbers included a $144 million capital works program, the development of a ‘customer charter’ to improve customer service provided by City of Ballarat staff to ratepayers, residents and visitors, and the allocation of more than $1 million of community grants.

“Investing in the City of Ballarat’s future has been a central theme for 2022/2023,” said Mayor Cr Des Hudson.

“From the Her Majesty’s Theatre refurbishment to the Ballarat Airport runway extension, our $144 million citywide transformational capital works program is delivering major projects that will leave a legacy for generations to come.”


New charter for the City

Councillors endorsed a new customer charter which provides standards ratepayers, residents and visitors can expect when interacting with City of Ballarat staff.

Along with the charter, customer response standards have also been created that aim to capture data on the activities of municipal staff.

“It’s about setting the values for the organisation and setting the values for officers and staff around interactions with the community,” said Cr Coates.

“As public servants, people working for local government are at the forefront of customer service interaction.”

The development of the charter followed a consultation period which included reviewing comparable charters, multiple surveys.

As part of the new charter “target response times” including urgent public safety matters delt with on the same at with the goals of at least making them safe.

“Standard requests and reports” like rates notices request, emptying missed bins and contact information updates could take up to three working days.

“Complex” issues, like getting a new bin delivered, or access to reports have been given a 10-day benchmark response time, while other “complex” maters, like getting a pothole filled would need to start with 10 days.

Issues like complaints or things that are already covered by existing municipal polices will default to the response times detailed within the relevant document.


Patching and asphalt tender awarded

All councillors voted in favour of entering into contracts for patching and asphalt resurfacing works throughout the City.

Contractors include Country Wide Asphalt, Bitu-Mill, Centre State Asphalting and Boral Resources to repair roads.

Multiple suppliers were approved with the aim of ensuring competitive pricing.

“Happy to have the panel there and hopefully they get on with it as soon as possible,” said Cr Mark Harris.

The contracts a set to last for eight months with the possibility of a one-year extension.


Acknowledgement of grants program

The report of last financial year’s grants program was noted by councillors.

The City of Ballarat provided grant streams titled Strategic Partnership Program, the Community Impact Grant Program, and the Tourism and Events Grant Program.

“This is a really brilliant example of our community and all of the things that they do behind the scenes that they don’t always get appreciation for,” said Cr Tracey Hargreaves.

In total more than $1.267 million was given to 74 groups and organisations.

Allocations under the municipality’s new City Partnership Program will be included in the 2023/24 budget.