Creatives on show at suburban art spaces

May 11, 2023 BY

On display: Ian Kemp and Neale Thompson are two of Soldiers Hill Artist Collective’s 35 members. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

ONE of Ballarat’s central suburbs is set to become one large gallery when the Soldiers Hill Artist Collective’s annual ArtWalk event returns next week.

Following a launch at the Ballarat North Bowling Club on Friday, the initiative will see 35 artists displaying their works throughout 18 venues.

SHAC chair Neale Thompson said this year’s event is changing things up.

“Historically, what we’ve done is have the venue listed with the artist who’ll be exhibiting there,” he said.

“This time it’s a bit of a mystery ArtWalk. Instead of people knowing where the artist’s work is going to be, people won’t actually know what’s there until they get to the venue.

“It’s adding an element of surprise and mystery to this.”

The launch will feature Erin Santa-Maria, general manager of the Australian Centre for Rare Arts and Forgotten Trades, as guest speaker.

Workshops on botanical dyeing and another on basket weaving are set for on the Sunday, 28 May also at the bowling club with bookings via the SHAC website.

Ian Kemp will be displaying five botanical prints and five photogravure works as part of the ArtWalk.

He said this year’s newly exhibiting artists, and venues like the North Britain Hotel and North Star Hotel are adding an extra capacity.

“The venues are good because they have large crowds that keep coming back on a regular basis,” he said. “It really expands it quite a lot.

“One of the new artists is Kathryn Douglas who won the SHAC Award at Fed Uni last year so this gives her the chance to experience the next stage of exhibiting.

“One of the great things about the ArtWalk is it gives artists who want to start exhibiting their work a chance to do it.”

Other new exhibitors include Andy Gault, John Sullivan, and Adam Leishman.

The ArtWalk runs from Friday, 19 to Sunday, 28 May, with works for sale during the event.