Diversity the focus for intercultural celebration

Cultural leadership: Incoming and outgoing ambassadors, Yvon Davis, Sadiki Mukasa, Isaac T Moses, Magdalena Kazmierczak, Jing Ning Huang and Rachael Muir. Photos: ALAN MARINI
TEN new City of Ballarat Intercultural Ambassadors, along with the City of Ballarat’s Intercultural City Strategic Plan for 2018-21, were announced last week.
The Strategy, which builds on the City of Ballarat’s Cultural Diversity Strategic Plan 2009-2014, is focused on four key priority areas – responsive services, active citizenship, leadership and advocacy, maximising and valuing diversity.
Outgoing multicultural ambassador, Yvon Davis, said she thoroughly enjoyed her time as an ambassador and learned about being involved in other cultures.
Ms Davis, who is from the Netherlands, said although she worked for SBS radio for 20 years the Intercultural Ambassador Program enabled her to learn so much more.
“I have been able to find out about people, about their cultures, especially about their religions and all the different foods that I wasn’t aware of,” she said.
“All of a sudden there is a whole new world that opens up to you.
“I think the [bad] treatment of those from other countries stems from lack of knowledge, and I think this program helps to bridge that gap because you do go to schools and community groups and talk about your own background, you hear about other backgrounds and you learn a lot more about refugees, how they got here, what they went through, all those bits and pieces that you may not be aware of.”
Ms Davis also said that the program gets people out in the community to face the facts and gets them to ask the questions.
“I think once you break down those barriers of different cultures and religions the world will be a much better place to live in,” she said.
Ms Davis will stay involved with the program as an intercultural advisor, helping out with the “newies” and attend some events.
She said that she is also planning to set up an intercultural ambassador program on voice FM, which will be in English but will highlight all the things are happening in the community.
“I encourage people to get involved with the program. I think people need to be aware when the program is advertised for the next round,” she said.
“At the same time we’ve got a multicultural information desk at the Ballarat Library where you can get information, we’ve also got the BRMC, so there are different places where people can get information.”