
Net gain for Doug Dean

July 15, 2021 BY

Howzat: VRI Delacombe’s Zane and Logan are keen for new nets and pitches, having met with Cr Ben Taylor, Juliana Addison, and junior coordinator Dan Attard. Photo: SUPPLIED

DOUG Dean Reserve, the home of VRI Delacombe Cricket Club, is receiving a fresh cricket facility to nurture the skills of players young and old.

The State’s Community Cricket Program has allocated $100,000 to the new training space worth $363,506, which will replace ageing nets and pitches that don’t currently meet Cricket Victoria’s standards.

An initiative of the City, four training bays will be installed, comprising of three new retractable club cricket nets and pitches, and another side net for public use.

VRI Delacombe’s junior coordinator Dan Attard said the current cricket nets are not fit-for-purpose.

The upgrades will improve the safety of players and the public using the reserve for recreation.

“The run-ups are sandy and slippery, and our two nets have holes in them. We have limited facilities, so it’s currently hard to get a decent number of people at training,” he said.

“The quality of our training will be much better, with balls staying in the nets and not flying out into the reserve. The nets will be covered in and we’ll have a divider we can slide out to open them up into one large area.

“We’ve missed out on some new members because of the quality of our facilities… so we’re really thankful to the State Government and the City of Ballarat. We’re in a growth area, so the community can see this as theirs; something to be proud of.”

Cr Ben Taylor said cricket offerings are expanding on site and upgrades will allow players of all ages, experiences and backgrounds to enjoy the sport within a high-quality space.

In line with the municipality’s Active Women and Girls Strategy, VRI Delacombe Cricket Club have a particular focus on growing programs for girls and women.

“Our community sports clubs need good facilities for training and play to attract and retain players and volunteers, particularly in an area that is fast growing like Delacombe and neighbouring suburbs in Ballarat west,” he said.

Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison expects the upgrades will attract additional people to VRI Delacombe Cricket Club, which has 82 junior and senior players and has been based at Doug Dean for more than 25 years.

“Especially more local juniors to… keep active and get all the social benefits that come from participation in community sport,” she said.

Works will start at the conclusion of the 2021-2022 Ballarat Cricket Association season.