Elaine tower switched on

A new Telstra tower has been built with the aim of bringing dedicated coverage to Elaine. Photo: FILE
The community on the Midland Highway was previously served by from Telstra towers in Meredith, Mount Buninyong and Dereel, between six and 24 kilometres away.
Acting regional general manager at Telstra Marcus Swinburne said the new small cell site should bring faster speeds and a more secure connections to the area, which had a population of 228 at the 2016 census.
“We’ve switched on a new Telstra small cell site at Elaine, bringing dedicated Telstra mobile coverage into the town for the first time,” he said.
“This new Telstra small cell is delivering coverage for Elaine closer to town and ensures better connectivity and network reliability for locals and visitors.
“It’ll also bring Telstra’s super-fast 4GX services closer to the town and will ensure faster mobile speeds and better capacity for locals.”
The Telstra sites in Meredith, Mount Buninyong and Dereel will continue to serve connections outside the immediate Elaine area.