Engagement opportunity for residents

Have your say: The Let's Chat Community Expo is a new initiative by the City of Ballarat. Photo: FILE
The Let’s Chat Ballarat Community Expo will be held on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 March from 4pm until 8pm, during which people can provide in-person feedback.
The expo is expected to become an annual event to ensure the community has input into future planning.
Interactive displays and information on services, projects, programs and initiatives across the City of Ballarat will be on offer, as well as food, children’s entertainment, giveaways and door prizes.
“We are absolutely focused on engagement as one of our top priorities and we see this as a fantastic way to get moving on that commitment,” mayor Cr Tracey Hargreaves said. “We see this event as just the beginning of a new era of community engagement with our residents and ratepayers.
“The expo is going to be fantastic event, and I encourage as many people as possible to attend.”
Ward-specific engagement opportunities are being planned for later in the year.