Eureka Mums backed by donations

April 3, 2021 BY

Take a seat: Ken Jenkin president No. 23 Masonic Social Committee, Trinsa Lewis operations manager at Eureka Mums, Doug Williams secretary/treasurer of the committee and Ian Judd committee member at the donation handover. Photo: SUPPLIED

TWO philanthropic groups have recently made donations to post-natal support organisation Eureka Mums.

A combined $4000 was recently gifted by the Freemasons Foundation and the No. 23 Masonic Social Committee of the Sturt-Buninyong United lodge to buy infant car seats.

Eureka Mums gives away about 200 car seats a year including reversible models for newborns to four year olds, as well as toddler seats and booster seats that are used for children up to age eight.

The money was raised in part through the Lodge’s annual fruit sale where produce is purchased in bulk from a grower in Shepparton, driven to Ballarat on a truck donated by Hewitt & Whitty and then packed and sold by Masons and their supporters.

Since 1999 the annual fruit sale, which couldn’t go ahead last year due to COVID, has seen more than $60,000 donated to various community groups and activities in and around Ballarat.

Meanwhile, Ballarat’s Order of St John also made a donation to Eureka Mums with a cheque for $500 gifted to the organisation.

The Order of St John money is set to be used on refurbishing cots, car restraints and prams, with the money raised via group’s Christmas breakup where members sold plants and books.

Eureka Mums will soon be starting its Mothers’ Day drive, when full-size toiletries are sought so children can gift them to their mums on Mothers’ Day. Visit for more info.