Family fun returns to farming region

February 27, 2025 BY

Attraction: More than 1000 people were estimated to have attended the inaugural Clarkes Hill Community Fair last year. Photo: FILE

A COMMUNITY fair aimed at showcasing the surrounding farming localities dotted around the region will return on Saturday following its debut last year.

Originally created by parents at St Mary’s Primary School, event co-organiser and committee member Bryden Gage said the aim behind the Clarkes Hill Community Fair has widened to spotlight other areas beyond the ltitularocality.

“We decided it was time to get people out into our side of the community, to see what we can offer with our families and farms,” she said.

“[Last year] was a fantastic success. We were a bit nervous going into it but we had about 1500 people come through [inaugural location] St Mary’s Clarkes Hill.

“We thought let’s do this again but move it around the community. Let’s showcase even more of what we’ve got.”

The returning event will see up to 20 stallholders including Larrikin Gin and Ballarat Candy Company set up among the golden fields of the Dunnstown Sunflower Farm.

The event will also feature food trucks, live music, children’s entertainment, a hot rod display, farm animals, book sales, and a barbecue courtesy of the Newlyn Football Club.

“We’ll make full use of the patches of sunflowers that haven’t grown this season and put the market so you can weave through the flowers and pick them for, I think, $4 a stem,” Ms Gage said.

“Last year we really contained it because we weren’t sure how big our net would cast but this year we’ve got so many more kids’ activities and we expect a lot more community participation.”

Proceeds from the event will go towards hosting next year’s fair, which is slated to be at the Dean Recreation Reserve.

“It’ll eventually make its way back round to the school but we’ve had interest last year from places like the Creswick school camp and the truffle farm about wanting to host the event too,” Ms Gage said.

The Clarkes Hill Community Fair will run from 10am to 4pm at Dunnstown Sunflower Farm at Hewittsons Road, Navigators.