Fed Kinder gets State approval

March 4, 2021 BY

Approved learning: Federation University kindergartener Oliver during play time. Photo: RUBY STALEY

FEDERATION Children’s Centre in Ballarat last week became the launch site for the State Government’s new Kinder Tick program.

The initiative aims to make it easier for families to recognise approved and funded kindergarten programs across the state and includes signage and accreditation for facilities that meet certain criteria.

During a visit last Thursday, Minister for Early Childhood Ingrid Stitt said the three conditions to receive the tick of approval are the kindergarten be led by qualified teachers, provide play-based learning and are funded by the Victorian Government.

“There are many, many high-quality services being delivered across the state in all kinds of settings,” she said.

“We wanted families to be able to understand which of those programs have the Victorian Government’s tick of approval.

“I would encourage any kindergarten services who is unsure about the criteria and how they might be able to qualify to work closely with the Department of Education and Training who are willing to make sure that the best quality programs are being delivered right across the state.”

Federation Children’s Centre is one of about 2600 Victorian childhood education providers that will display the Kinder Tick.

This initiative is intended to support the Government’s eventual roll out of three-year-old kindergarten across the state.

Coordinator of Federation Children’s Centres Sally Matthews said although it’s been logistically challenging to get the program off the ground, it’s been worth it.

“We’re really proud that this Tick program is out there to dispel any myths about what kinder is and give parents the ability to recognise what’s right for their child,” she said.

“We’re working with the Department of Education on the roll out and we already have families excited to enrol in three-year-old kinder next year.

“The research shows that children who have two years of kindergarten have better prospects in life and education… we’re at the forefront of the nation.”