
Federal money to help maintain historic garden

April 28, 2023 BY

Democratic: Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, has announced nearly $100,000 in funding to preserve the Eureka Stockade gardens. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

NEW heritage funding has been announced for the Eureka Stockade Gardens.

The move came last Friday and saw Member for Ballarat, Catherine King, and City of Ballarat mayor Cr Des Hudson reveal a $96,000 grant to help develop a new conservation management program.

The gardens are on Australia’s National Heritage List and are adjacent to the Eureka Centre where the famous flag can be viewed.

It is also home to a large monument which was commissioned in 1884 to commemorate the Eureka Rebellion.

The management program will include ongoing structural assessment and conservation of the monument as well as adding additional seating, shade, and highlighting heritage aspects of the garden.

“The events of Eureka occurring in this precinct are important not just for the story of Ballarat,” said Ms King.

“They tell that big long story that our democracy is not set in stone, whilst the monument might be, but that in fact it is a moving, evolving story.

“That’s really why its worth preserving the site, but not just doing that, also refreshing it and making sure it’s available for everyone to come and see.”

Federation University historical architect Anne Beggs-Sunter said the significance of the site cannot be understated.

“This park was set aside in 1884 when some of the people who had been involved in the Eureka Stockade, who were then getting on in age, came together and tried to work out the site of the actual rebellion,” she said.

“They determined this was as near as they could estimate and they decided to put up that very simple monument.

“The park is a very important recreational space particularly for the people of Ballarat East who live around here.

“This became a really important place of celebration and commemoration.”

The move for the new conservation management program is coming via round five of the Federal Government’s Australian Heritage Grants program.