Feedback sought on bike path

August 14, 2023 BY

Sustainable future: Community feedback is being sought on plans for a bike path along the Glenelg Highway. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

COMMUNITY feedback is wanted on draft plans for a bike path along the Glenelg Highway in Sebastopol.

The 3.4-kilometre path is set to run from the Midland highway to Phoenix College along the south side of the road.

City of Ballarat staff are looking for community input into where to put rest stops, seating, and crossings.

Following this first stage of construction, there are set to be future stages which will connect the Yarrowee to Delacombe Town Centre with safe bike paths.

Stage one is funded by the Spotlight on Sebastopol project which aims to improve liveability in the area and is funded by the State Government.

City of Ballarat spokesperson Cr Tracey Hargreaves said the project is a great opportunity to create a more sustainable future for Ballarat.

“While many people already choose to ride a bike, either to commute to work, for sport or for pleasure, there is significant room for improvement,” she said.

“Making Ballarat a more attractive and enjoyable place for active transport is about planning carefully to improve the city’s shared path infrastructure.”

Feedback for this project can be provided on the City of Ballarat’s MySay website.