
Feedback wanted on Little Bridge Street plans

December 22, 2023 BY

More changes: Concept plans for Little Bridge Street are now open for community feedback. Photo: FILE

THE next stage of upgrades to Little Bridge Street are now underway with City of Ballarat staff asking for community feedback on concept plans.

One key element of the upgrade involves moving the pedestrian crossing to align with Time Lane.

Other features include reducing the street to one lane to allow space for reversing, outdoor dining areas, shared user paths, new plantings, upgrades to CCTV, lighting and bollards, and a dedicated lane for buses.

A statement from the City of Ballarat said the aim of developments is to improve the appeal and safety of the area by providing better infrastructure for buses and pedestrians.

Mayor Cr Des Hudson said he wants to hear the ideas of traders, community members and public transport users.

“We invite those who use the area, buses, carparks or work in the area to view the designs and let us know what you think,” he said.

The concept plans are now open for feedback until Thursday 8 February and can be viewed on the City’s MySay page or at the Bridge Mall redevelopment shop on Coliseum Walk.

Two community drop-in sessions are also set for next year on Tuesday 23 January and Thursday 1 February at the City of Ballarat shop located at 16 Bridge Mall.