
Festival part of uni town push

March 11, 2023 BY

Inspiring: Federation University will host thought-provoking speakers on its SMB campus this march. Photo: SUPPLIED

THOUGHT-provoking events will take centre stage at Federation University this month as the institution seeks to reinvent its place in Ballarat.

Speakers including Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Blainey, Emeritus Professor Murray Gillin, Senator Patrick Dodson and Dr Jackie Huggins will take part in the events at the SMB campus.

The launch of the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth and Justice will be the first of the series on Wednesday, 15 March.

On the following day a panel aimed at Ballarat employers take on the issue of meeting the skills needed in the region.

Finally, on Friday, 24 March Professor Blainey will speak on ‘the state of the world.’

“Through thought-inspiring events like these we want to generate a university town experience in the heart of Ballarat and that means creating a sense of connection, not only for our staff and students, but for everyone,” said FedUni professor Duncan Bentley.

“By establishing new state-of-the-art facilities and clustering teaching activity at our SMB campus, Federation will ultimately bring thousands of students into central Ballarat every day.

“This will create an exciting and engaging student experience, support economic growth and encourage new traders into the CBD, and bring new energy and atmosphere to the city centre.”