
Fire brigade rebounds after break in

March 17, 2023 BY

Fire: Cardigan Village CFA’s Captain David Backhouse said the brigade is moving forward after the break in at the start of the month. Photo: MIRIAM LITWIN

THE Cardigan Village CFA are rebuilding following a break in earlier this month.

Intruders gained access through the back window, smashed down the door and broke locks.

There was extensive damage to the station and equipment such as cordless power tools, a generator, a pressure washer, and a thermal imaging camera were taken.

The fire station vehicle was also stolen but later recovered when a local resident spotted it on Smarts Hill Road.

Captain of the Cardigan Village CFA, David Backhouse, said the event has left a foul taste in his mouth, but he is ready to rebuild.

Funds for this equipment and the vehicle had been raised through the annual calendar drive and community donations.

“It’s hurt everyone because everyone’s been a part of it and has donated money,” he said.

“Whether it be 10 years ago or last week they still put that money to get that equipment for us to use and we’ve now got to go through the hassle of trying to get it repurchased with insurance.

“The main vehicle is online and we’re operational so it hasn’t effected that side of things, but it would be nice to have the other stuff like hand tools back.”

CFA insurance will cover the damage and the station will look at increasing security and installing cameras.

“We’re still trying to get our head around what is actually gone,” Captain Backhouse said.

“We had heavy duty lockers, and they were broken into so the intruders knew what they were doing.”

Mr Backhouse said the CFA is grateful for the community’s generosity over the years, allowing the brigade to bounce back.

“Thank you for the support, the community have supported us for years and they’ll do it again,” he said.