Relief for a ‘gasping’ nation

May 6, 2021 BY

Strengthening resources: The Friends of India Network hope their fundraising will save lives touched by COVID-19 in India. Image: SUPPLIED

BALLARAT Friends of India Network president Dr Sanjay Sharma has described the COVID-19 situation in India as an “epic human catastrophe…tearing” across the country.

In partnership with SEWA International Australia, the Network is appealing to the community to help them raise funds to purchase at least 30 oxygen concentrators for rural areas in dire need of resources to combat the pandemic.

“This is a sincere appeal to you to help this unprecedented crisis that has befallen India. I feel it’s our moral responsibility to do the best we can to help,” Dr Sharma said.

“It’s heartbreaking to see health resources being overwhelmed and stretched beyond any imagination.

“I have heard so many friends, colleagues and teachers dying in the last couple of weeks. I’ve heard authorities being forced to create makeshift crematoriums. It’s absolutely gut wrenching.”

FIN annually fundraises in support of the Ballarat Base Hospital, and broader Ballarat Health Services, but Dr Sharma said it’s time for the Network to prioritise their motherland which is in desperate need.

“The nation is gasping for oxygen, so our donations to buy oxygen concentrators may help save some lives.

“We would like to request the help of our friends that we have made over the last 20 years in this town that we now call home,” he said.

“In a town of 100,000 people, I sincerely hope that we can collect more than $100,000. Please come forward and lend your support to this noble cause. “

SEWA International Australia is a registered charity run volunteers. All money raised will fund COVID-19 relief.

Visit to make a donation.