Full feast for local LARPers

Swords sheathed: Hearthnight: Before the Dawn will offer live action role players the chance some in-character leisure time between Ballarat Swordcraft’s larger narrative events. Photo: SUPPLIED
SWORDCRAFT Ballarat is inviting everyone to take part in an evening of full-costumed food and revelry.
On Saturday, 6 August, the group will host an in-character live action roleplaying, or LARP, feast at Kryal Castle called Hearthnight: Before the Dawn.
Everyone is invited, and Swordcraft Ballarat events manager James Weir said the event will provide an opportunity for those interested to get involved with the group.
“It’ll be a great way to introduce them to what a LARP is really like, and a very different experience than what a lot of new people would expect,” he said.
“This will be a non-combat event, so it’s really about engaging and living within your character and interacting with everyone.”
While similar feasts have been hosted by Swordcraft Melbourne, this will be the first of its kind for the Ballarat group.
Offerings include finger food, meats and desserts in keeping with medieval time period where possible.
Hearthnight is the group’s first major event since their narrative driven The Veiled Quarry event in April.
Mr Weir said the feast will also provide a great platform for attendees to discuss the campaign in the leadup to their next major event in November, titled Conquest: Kriegstor Undivided.
“There’s a lot of things that happened during The Veiled Quarry that people will want to talk about in-character,” he said.
“Because they’ll be talking about what’s happened in the story, people coming along will be able to catch up on recent events while getting a taste of what’s to come later.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing what skulduggery and backstabbing is going to happen and what plots will be schemed to come into fruition for the next event.”
Tickets are $35, and can be booked at bit.ly/3Ij7F7t.