
Get riding this school holidays

January 8, 2024 BY

Friendly fun: Rebel Equestrian Centre has a range of activities on offer during the summer break. Photo: SUPPLIED

THERE is plenty of school holiday fun to be had at Rebel Equestrian Centre at Berringa.

The organisation is offering a range of classes including come and try sessions, pony clinics, groundwork classes and for the first time, sessions specifically for parents.

“We’ve introduced for the first time a parents pony clinic because we see a lot of parents get their first pony for their child,” said co-owner Toby Billing.

“It’s a lot easier if both the parents and the kids have basic education around how to handle horses.

“We’re looking forward to working with the kids and helping everyone understand horses.”

The classes vary in age suitability and required experience, with activities on offer for children aged two and above and for beginners through to experienced riders.

The cost of each session also varies, ranging from $15 to $80, and Mr Billing said they wanted the activities to be as accessible as possible.

“We’re trying to make it accessible to more people as a lot of riding lessons are very expensive,” he said.

“We are also trying to bring in more safety and more awareness of horses and how they operate.”

Since the school opened in June, Mr Billing said they have seen significant growth.

“It’s been going really well and we’re getting more and more people take part,” he said.

“We’re getting a really good mix of interesting kids and adults and we have a great range of horses.

To book a class visit rebelequestriancentre.square.site.