
Golden effort to keep hearts beating

June 30, 2023 BY

Strolling: Barry Nixon steps out with his dogs Darth and Gidget when he’s not with other Heartbeat walkers. Photo: EDWINA WILLIAMS

THE man who has kept the beat of Ballarat’s heart health walking groups going has received an honour.

Heartbeat Ballarat’s Barry Nixon has been given a Heart Foundation 2023 Golden Shoe Award for his coordination of the Heartbeat Ballarat Walking Group that encourages good heart health and mental wellbeing through movement.

“I was gobsmacked that I won the award as I didn’t know I’d been nominated,” he said. “The walkers circulated an email amongst themselves.

“There were 200 nominees in Victoria, so to win was genuinely really surprising. I don’t volunteer to be acknowledged, but it’s nice to be recognised.”

The Heartbeat walks began almost five years ago, and there are now various walks taking off across the city each week, with 70 regular people of all fitness levels taking part.

“I’m very encouraged by that,” Mr Nixon said. “People join cardiac walks and they’re pretty unwell, and my greatest reward is to see their disease burden ease.

“They often come walking very tentatively, and after a few weeks, they’re walking kilometres. You can see their wellness improve and disease burden really ease.

“That’s my motivation. I love to see the difference it makes in people’s lives.”

Heartbeat walker Alan Bell said Mr Nixon is tireless in supporting people who have additional health needs.

“He facilitates liaison with district medical personnel and services with walkers and the wider community,” he said.

“He promotes connectedness and wellbeing within our community. His contribution to the Ballarat community is enormous.”

Heart Foundation senior advisor for physical activity Elizabeth Calleja said the Golden Shoe Awards celebrate service to the community.

“Walking continues to be something that empowers so many people, especially for those who may otherwise miss out on exercise and socialising with others,” she said.

“Heart Foundation Walking is Australia’s largest free walking network. During the past 28 years, the number of people joining a Heart Foundation Walking group has skyrocketed.

“For some people, joining a Heart Foundation walking group has been a genuinely life-saving decision. Come for the walk but stay for the talk.”