Greener pastures for strength comp

Heavy lifting: The organiser of the upcoming Farmer Strong Competition has run similar events including several at Kryal Castle last year. Photo: SUPPLIED
THE farming equipment at Dunnstown’s Inglenook Dairy is set to be used for feats of strength with the site set to be the location for an inaugural tournament this weekend.
Nearly 50 men and women are set to compete in Farmer Strong Competition from 9.30am to 4.30pm on Sunday, 2 April.
The tournament is being organised by Wendouree-based CB Fitness’ Kay Hodgson, who has been running strong comps for seven years.
She said Inglenook Dairy is an ideal place to hold one.
“I’ve always felt it would be the perfect place for a strongman competition, being farm-related,” she said.
“Farmers are very strong physically and mentally so we’re taking a bit from that. We have five events on the day with a farmer’s carry with using handles and sandbags.
“Then there’ll be a tractor pull and a loading medley with crane cane and piles of potatoes. After that, there’s a car press where they’ll press the car over their head which is pretty unique.
“Then we have a mystery farm event to finish off.”
The competition will feature 24 mixed teams split into two categories of combined weights of more than and less than 180kg.
Competitors include Australia’s Strongest Man 2023 champion Josh Patacca and fifth Strongest Woman Katie Blunden, and Ms Hodgson said the event will be a big draw for Ballarat.
“It’s bringing people from Geelong and Melbourne, a lot who I know will be staying overnight,” she said.
The Farmer Strong Competition at Inglenook Dairy, 265 Ti Tree Road, Dunnstown, is free to attend.