
Have your say gallery’s future

July 15, 2023 BY

Painting a future: The community is being invited to have their say on how to develop the Art Gallery of Ballarat. Photo: FILE

CITY of Ballarat staff are seeking community input on the Art Gallery of Ballarat’s new strategic plan.

The planned Art Gallery of Ballarat Strategic Plan 2023 to 2028 is currently being created and the municipal officers would like public opinion on how the gallery can best serve the community.

The gallery recently concluded its last strategic plan which aimed to facilitate a transition to a modern venue with an audience focus.

The new proposed plan will go before council later this year.

Five key themes have been identified as important to the plan including championing artists, cultural enrichment and identity, social impact and inclusion, learning and professional development, and supporting a thriving Ballarat.

Mayor Cr Des Hudson encouraged input on the future of the gallery.

“We really do want the community to join us on this ride and I encourage as many people as possible to give us their feedback, whether you attend the gallery on a regular basis or not,” he said.

People can provide feedback via the City of Ballarat MySay website until Sunday 23 July.

There will also be onsite public engagement sessions at the gallery on Thursday 20 July at 11am and Sunday 23 July at 11am.