
Hop to food security fundraiser

September 20, 2024 BY
Food Security Fundraiser Ballarat

Giving group: The Food from Kindness pantry is open from 9am to 8pm every day, and located at the corner of Vale Street and Bedggood Court. Photo: SUPPLIED

THE team behind a Sebastopol-based initiative aimed at battling food and necessity insecurity are collaborating with Hop Temple management to further their mission.

A fundraiser for Food from Kindness, a collection point for people doing it tough, will take place at the venue next week.

One of the initiative’s co-founders Hannah Burton said the aim of the event is to help meet growing demand.

“It’s to raise funds so we can do a pretty decent backstock of pantry products,” she said.

“We’re regularly calling up for donations and had to close up the other day because we just don’t have the stock needed. If we have a backstock and that happens again we have that to rely on and filter out.

“The night will be a musical bingo and a door raffle organised by us.”

Prizes donated by local businesses, including a month’s worth of free produce from Inglenook Diary, and a cleaning service from ADHD Cleaning, will be up for grabs for attendees, with tickets at $2 each.

A percentage of Hop Temple’s food and drink sales from the night will also be given to Food from Kindness.

The team is especially prioritising for non-perishables, frozen products, toiletry items, and cat food to be put into their backlog of stock.

Ms Burton encouraged the community to help support the initiative and the people of Ballarat doing it tough.

“It’s really about the exposure and getting what we do out there,” she said.

“The response on social media has gone crazy. It’s definitely there but bookings will be preferred.

“Anything will be better than nothing. Even if we walk away with $50, we still have $50 more than what we started the night off with.”

The fundraiser will take place on Thursday 26 September from 7pm. To book, call Hop Temple on 5317 7158.