How do you reckon the City is doing?

City call: A telephone survey on satisfaction of ratepayers and residents within the City of Ballarat is currently underway. Photo: FILE
ARE you happy with how the City of Ballarat, its councillors, and staff are doing?
Well, you might be asked that question, and more, as part of a State Government mandated satisfaction survey currently underway.
Running from the end of January though until March, 800 residents in the municipality will be contacted by a company called JWS Research.
The company will ask a range of questions relating to City of Ballarat services and process.
In the past things like the quality of roads, rubbish collection, community consultation, and how elected councillors are doing have been discussed.
While the City of Ballarat contracts JWS Research to ask the questions, the survey is conducted independently with about 45 per cent of participants called on their mobile phones with the rest contacted on landlines.
“Once the survey is completed, the results will be collated, presented to councillors at a council meeting later in the year, and then published in the City of Ballarat 2023 Annual Report and on the website,” statement issued by the municipality said.
In past years the State Government mandated minimum of 400 people have been contacted for the survey, but that number has been doubled by the municipality for 2023.
“Increasing the responses to 800 will give the City of Ballarat a broader understanding of residents’ satisfaction with council services,” the statement said.