How much money did each City of Ballarat councillor claim in expenses?

Taking account: The City of Ballarat’s nine councillors claimed back just over $200,000 over the last four financial years. Photo: FILE
TWO-hundred and five-thousand, four-hundred and twenty-seven dollars and eighty cents.
That’s how much all nine current City of Ballarat councillors have collectively claimed in expenses from the municipality over the last four financial years.
The claims range from the everyday, including monthly phone expenses, office supplies and train tickets to more expensive line items like travel, conferences, and training.
By far the largest claimant during the current term was former mayor Cr Samantha McIntosh who received back $84,105.
For the four financial years between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 2020 Cr Amy Johnson registered $27,558 in expenses.
Current mayor Cr Ben Taylor claimed back $19,661, current deputy-mayor Cr Belinda Coates was at $18,571, Cr Daniel Moloney put in for $17,007, Cr Jim Rinaldi $15,787, while Cr Des Hudson got back $13,242.
Crs Mark Harris and Grant Tillett claimed the least over the reporting period, at $3601 and $5892 respectively.
Cr McIntosh’s expenses would have topped out at over $86,000 but she had to pay back $2000 in three transactions in the first two years of the reporting period.
On travel and accommodation Cr McIntosh claimed back over $51,300 with $13,239 going on two international trips, while there were also multiple journeys to Canberra with one notable line item costing $1000.
With so much time spent in airports, a Qantas Club membership was purchased and charged back to the City at a cost of $853.
Last financial year, when she was mayor for about four months, Cr McIntosh still claimed back $17,580 worth of expenses of which just under $10,000 was for travel.
That’s $13,300 more than current mayor Cr Taylor who held the top job for about eight months of the same financial year, although his ability to travel was limited due to COVID-19.
The next highest claiming councillor, Cr Johnson, who got back $7833 for travel and accommodation over the first three years of the council term, with nothing spent in that category for 2019-2020.
The bulk of Cr Johnson’s expenditure came on phones and IT equipment – $7714, and conferences and training – $11,460.
Cr Johnson defended the claims and said she supported the release of all councillors’ expenses.
“I take my role as a councillor seriously, as I do the appropriate use of rate payer money,” she said.
“I’m a strong advocate for full disclosure of councillor expenses and believe this disclosure is important for transparency and accountability.”
The 2018-2019 financial year was by far the biggest for councillor expenses, with $73,102 going to all nine.
Heading into this year’s election they had all dialled it back a fair bit, with claims down by just under $30,000.
All councillors but Cr Tillet claimed at least back at least one training, conference or event item and only Cr Tillet and Cr Harris didn’t make travel and accommodation claims.
$1360 was spent on washing and detailing the mayoral car between 2017 and 2020, before it was disposed of earlier this year.
Expense claims by year
2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | TOTAL |
$30,128.06 | $58,847.41 | $73,102.87 | $43,349.50 | $205,427.80 |
Expense claims by year by councillor
2016-2017 | 2017-2018 | 2018-2019 | 2019-2020 | TOTALS | |
Cr Coates | $5,017.38 | $3,843.99 | $4,752.78 | $4,957.57 | $18,571.72 |
Cr Harris | $764.27 | $1,532.55 | $808.07 | $496.31 | $3,601.20 |
Cr Hudson | $3,861.74 | $5,075.77 | $3,753.60 | $550.98 | $13,242.09 |
Cr Johnson | $6,719.35 | $4,319.18 | $12,236.22 | $4,284.21 | $27,558.96 |
Cr McIntosh | $8,444.62 | $25,114.45 | $32,966.73 | $17,580.11 | $84,105.91 |
Cr Moloney | $1,354.55 | $3,237.57 | $3,680.02 | $8,735.21 | $17,007.35 |
Cr Rinaldi | $2,263.85 | $5,851.71 | $5,703.45 | $1,968.15 | $15,787.16 |
Cr Taylor | $888.20 | $8,808.40 | $5,684.05 | $4,280.65 | $19,661.30 |
Cr Tillett | $814.10 | $1,063.79 | $3,517.95 | $496.31 | $5,892.15 |
TOTALS | $30,128.06 | $58,847.41 | $73,102.87 | $43,349.50 |