Iconic Cup gallops into town

October 20, 2023 BY

Holding history: Ajay Equestrian owner Abbey Willis organised the business’ reception of the Melbourne Cup and held the trophy with horse Misty at her side. Photo: TIM BOTTAMS

THE Melbourne Cup was in Ballarat earlier this week with the city being one of forty-one stops in seven countries as part of the 21st annual tour of the trophy.

Taking place on Tuesday, the Cup visited Ajay Equestrian in Invermay until midday with Victoria Racing Club representatives showcasing the trophy to attendees.

Members of the Invermay Fire Brigade were present with a truck on display while a horse-drawn cart carried people down Rose Hill Road.

In the afternoon the Cup moved to the Ballarat Turf Club’s mounting yard at Miners Rest where it was displayed alongside past winners such as Prince of Penzance.

Winning trainers Rob Hickmott and Dave Eustace were also present.